RA-4300A Optical Auto Adjust
This procedure should only be done after consultation with AGS Technical Support
Care should be taken that this procedure is not done when the flowcell is dirty
1) Occasionally after a hardware change like a lamp replacement, or flowcell adjustment after cleaning, it may be necessary to adjust the optical Span and Gain for optimal performance. This procedure should only be done after the system has had significant time to warm-up, at least 30 minutes is recommended.
2) First, go to the "Run" tab and select "Maintenance"
3) Next, Select "Optical Adjust". Some systems may require a Passcode be entered, the passcode is "0219"
4) Next select the "Auto" button. After selecting the instrument will do an auto adjustment to the optics system, please do not turn the instrument or attempt to exit the software while it is performing this function.
5) Verfiy that the Sig and Ref signals are near 4.0 +/- .25. If they are not, it may require a manual adjustment in which case please contact AGS Technical Support.
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