RA-3 Carrier Pump Test

RA-3 Carrier Pump Test

There are various reasons for a non-functioning air pump.

1. To verify if the pump functions
      a. Open the maintenance screen on the RA-3
      b. In an alternating pattern, press on the top left and top right corners of the touch screen, which will open another password                 input screen.

i. If you don’t access it initially, try moving your fingers slightly in or out on the screen to ensure you are touching the correct spots.

The motion is alternating left and right, push it in a fairly quick span (1/2 second or so) in order for the sequence to work.

c. When this is successful, you will be prompted for a password, the Password is 0219.

d. Select I/O Test or Hard Test depending on your Serial Number (you will see one or the other)

e. Press “P1”, which will activate the pump

      i. If there is no motion, remove the pump cover by rotating it 1/4 turn and pulling it.

      ii. Observe if there is any movement with the drive located behind the pump rotor.

f. Press Exit after this is completed

If the previous steps proved the pump is faulty, there are two possibilities:

1. The power board is faulty
a. Using the photo below, test the points in DC Voltage between points (1+2) and for (3+4).  Please report these numbers to                           a service technician to confirm the issue.

         2. Resolutions will most likely included a replacement of a Carrier Pump Assembly or the Power Board for the RA-3.

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