RA-4 Autosampler Height Adjustment

RA-4 Autosampler Height Adjustment

This procedure can be used to adjust the autosampler height to accomodate sample tubes that have a different height than the ones that came with the Instrument

1. Measure the sample tube length
2. Calculate difference between the sample tube you are using and 120mm (standard sample tube length)
             Ex) If tube length is 122mm, 120-122=-2mm

3.   Open maintenance screen → Parameter(PW:0219) → SYSTEM

4.   The OFFSET LFT box changes the height of where the arm will try to seal on the sample tube (1 pulse = 0.01738mm)
1 pulse = 0.01738mm

The current OFFSET value is shown on the left side of the blank column. You can change the value by inputing a new value in the box and hitting Enter

       Example) if difference is -2mm and OFFSET LFT value is 20, →20-2/0.01738=-95   enter  -95 to OFFSET LFT

5. After inputting the new OFFSET-LFT value, check the lift position:

Open maintenance screen

Click V1, V2 and V3 ON  

Enter No.1 at Bubbler Side and click +0mm

      The Arm will move to position No.1 and the lift will go down

Click A.Pump CW

     Check flow rate (should be 0.15 – 0.18l/min)

Adopt the same procedure No.40 and No.70 

If each flow rate is not within 0.15 – 0.18l/min, adjust OFFSET LFT and check lift position

Repeat above procedure until each flow rate falls within 0.15 – 0.18l/min

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