MA-3000 H2 Heater Replacement Instructions
These instructions are for units with Serial# 12740141 and greater, please check your serial number to confirm these are the correct instructions
Inside of the MA-3000 is at a very high temperature. Please make sure that the instrument is powered off and the temperature is down to room temperature before servicing.
1. First, please remove the combustion tube. (Instructions Here if needed)
2. Next, remove the four (4) white wire connections along the mid-line of the heater. These are located on both sides of the black and red thermocouple wires on either side of the heater (picture below for reference)
3. Next, you will need to remove the thermostat from the heater. The thermostat can be located at the bottom of the heater and has two blue connectors attached to it. (the blue connectors do not need to be disconnected) It is held on to the heater by two screws. Those two screws will need to be removed and the thermostat will pop right out.
4. Next, the thermocouples will need to be disconnected from the board. The thermocouples are the red and black wires on each side of the heater. If you follow the wires to the board, you will find the connectors that need to be removed from the board. (see picture below)
5. Now you can remove the heater assembly by removing the six screws (three on each side) holding it to the chassis. Save these screws as you will use them to install the new heater. (see below for reference)
6. Next you will do the reverse order of each of the removal steps above to install the new heater assembly. Place the heater on the standoffs so that it aligns with the screw holes and screw it in place. Then reinstall the thermostat and plug the thermocouple connectors into the board. Connect the white wires to the new H2 heater.
7. Carefully reinstall the combustion tube.
8. This completes the physical installation, you will now need to adjust the parameters settings in the software. Please follow the steps below to set the temperature parameters.
9. First, boot up the MA-3000 instrument and software and open the parameter setting window under the maintenance tab in the software.
10. You will need a password to enter this section; please enter “0219” and hit Enter. (see picture below)
11. Next, you will need to select the “PRE TEMP” tab and then select “Thermal Decomposition” in the pull down menu. The replacement heater should have come with a sheet of paper with new H2A and H2B settings. Please find those settings and enter them in the corresponding text boxes and hit “Enter”.
12. The installation is now complete, please exit the maintenance screen and resume normal operation.